Online Website Builder FREE with all plans

RVSitebuilder Logo

Say Goodbye to your web designer! Create your own professional looking website in 20-30 minutes, our online site builder is easy to use yet powerful enough to create a great looking website without any previous experience.

RV Site Builder lets you build your very own Web site using just a web browser and a little spare time. You will be able to select from over 600 ready-made site templates, you can add your logo, company or business name, customise colours, text and pictures.

Reselleris include RV Site Builder FREE with all hosting plans.

Here are some Example Templates...

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"Having everything together in one place has been a great help. My customers can order domains as well as the hosting and then ssl as well. Yep really great."

India Ulli & Petra, Oslo, Norway

Frequently Asked Questions

How many different templates are there?

There are currently 646 different templates you can choose from, more are being added all the time, so you shouldn't have difficulty finding 1 that you like.

How do I login to the Site Builder?

Access to the Site Builder is through the cPanel, no need for a seperate login.

RV Site Builder Feature List

General Features  
Advanced WYSIWYG edtior - supports all Internet Explorer versions from 6.0 up (Windows), Netscape 7.1 up, Mozilla 1.4 up, Firefox 0.7 up or any other browser with an equivalent gecko layout engine.
Unlimited pages and sub-pages can be created for a Web site.
Fix to 800-pixel width or stretch across the screen. Compatible with 800, 1024 and higher screen resolutions.
Download existing template to modify to fit your need and re-input to the SiteBuilder.
Build your own custom templates - add your own header banner, change background, navigator, body, and footer color.
Inline Help - Built-in instructions provided detailed support when needed.
Backup and restore project - backup and save data on your PC with a simple click.
Move your Logo, Company Name, and Slogan position with a simple drag-and-drop technique.
Missing project recovery - No loss of data. Recover data from an published Web site.
Multilingual support - create the Web site in most any language
Auto-detect your language environment

Web site Template Features  
Number of standard Web site templates 646
Flash templates 20
3 color schemes and 2 image styles for each template
New Web site templates added each month 15
Templates for Flash banner editor 30
Two-tone color, Illustrated, and Flash Web site template styles
Switchable navigator among 22 navigator styles
HTML layout templates
XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliance

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